Sunday, December 16, 2012

Meeting your calcium requirement without dairy is EASY!

I had my wonderful son Stevie record this for me because people are truly concerned about meeting thier calcium requirement when they give up dairy.  This can be of special concern to parents of children with Angelman syndrome as we are aware of the dental health problems that our kids face; as well as the fact that it seems that our kids may be breaking bones more often than typical kids.

Why are they breaking bones and having more dental decay than the average, same age population? I'm not an expert; but as usual, I'll tell ya exactly what I think! SIMPLE! It's metabolic! Our kids simply don't metabolize nutrients well. When you don't metabolize your nutrients well, your body is unable to assimilate nutrients effeciently; thereby, causing health issues associated with being malnurished.  Whether your angel is rail thin or pleasently plump is no true indication of proper nurishment.  Some of the most obese people in the world are malnurished!  They eat and eat and eat some more in search of those missing nutrients!

So, I'll share with you our experience, our Krissy angel had terrible dental decay and eventually got her teeth all fixed up for a WHOPPING $7,000.00. She had 13 cavities! I was accused of being a bad mom by several special needs dentist who insisted that clearly Krista was eating LOADS of sugar and sugar laden, carby foods! When I informed one such dentist that Krista was on a very clean, 90% raw (at the time, we have since lossened up when her health improved) and had not been privy to sugar for most of her life, he blamed my allowing her to sleep with a bottle and the sugar that is in formula without brushing her little baby gums. I said my child was breast feed exclusively for 16 months, well then it was my sugar laden breast milk that caused her decay!

I share this with you because I hope to spare you and your child the pain and riducule of a so-called professional who just doesn't understand that our special needs kids have a problem metabolizing and assimilating nutrients!  Don't accept this crumby explaination as truth! We are good parents, doing the best we know how to help our kids get healthy and STAY healthy!

When Krista was seen at Dr. Mercola's clinic (, it was explained to me that Krista's calcium level was suspiciously high. I think, awesome! No, not awesome! The level was high because her body was so acidic (google acidic and alkaline for a list of foods to find out which push your body this way or that) that her body was leaching calcium from her bones in order to help her deal with the acidic conditions, much the same way that you get calcium in your Tums (please don't go get this for your kids, there are big problems involved in killing stomach acid, a better way to deal with reflux is cal/mag supplementation, enzymes and probiotics just to name a few) to help with heart burn.  Since the body is always moving itself toward homeostasis (health) it will do whatever it takes to keep itself alive and functioning optimally; for this reason, her body was leaching calcium from her bones; which did serve an important purpose for her body but resulted in extremely poor dental health.

How to remedy this problem? Nutritional support! Fresh organic foods that are loaded with every, vitamin, mineral and nutrient known to man including calcium! But our angels appear to not be assimilating nutrients well as evidenced by the problems with bones, acid reflux, contipation, diarrhea, so on and so forth! So we must support thier tummies! Give those tummies support! Liquid cal mag is good, chewable papaya enzymes with every meal is our favorite and daily probiotics.  As my friend and fellow angel mom pointed out to me, juicing is just a BIG way of loading up on nutrients in a very bioavailable way.  Do your research and make the choice that seems right to you! Mother (and lots a times even Father) knows best.  If you don't know where to start with supplementation and nutrition, visit my website and schedule your free 50 minute nutrition consultation and we'll discuss yours or your child's specific situation and come up with a plan!

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